dzaky fatih
dzaky fatih
1 Min Read

There are no tools to ease the movements and the steps to do the practice of doing well [proscribed practices or those done together (amaliyah ibadah or muamalah)] apart from the two dzikr that are practiced in unison [together and in the same melody] […] The tongue makes the sound, the heart beats [with dzikr]… When doing the practice has become easy it may be noticed because you feel pleased and calm and these are the signs of maqom of a person who is fully concentrated (Al-Kholish, 1, 2017: 15).

–Hadrotusyeikh Muhsinul Basyar Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Best wishes, al-Khoolish

Tiada alat agar kita ringan gerak dan langkah melakukan amal kebaikan [amaliyah ibadah maupun muamalah] kecuali dengan dua dzikir yang diamalkan secara selaras [bersama dan berirama sama]… Lisannya bersuara, hatinya juga berdenyut [dengan dzikr]… Kalau sudah ringan melakukan amal baik tandanya senang, jiwanya tenang, inilah maqom orang khusuk.

–Hadrotusyeikh Muhsinul Basyar Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Salam, al-Kholish


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