Dzikir will make us a beautiful person

dzaky fatih
dzaky fatih
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LAA ILAAHA ILLALLOH is the Kalimah Thoyyibah. It means proper and beautiful recitation (dzikr]. Proper and beautiful pronunciation (in fact) penetrates so that conduct becomes proper and beautiful and it penetrates further to your faith so that it too becomes proper and beautiful. Therefore, we have to correct ourselves inwardly: Is our faith indeed no longer filled with: conceit (takabbur), arrogance (ujub), proudness (ria), tyranny (dzholim), treason (khianat), easily offended (tersinggung), desire to find fault in others and happy to slander others and such like? Or do we all still like to be tempted? (Al-Kholish, 1, 2017: 42)
-A Sufi Master Syeikh Muhammad Abdul Gaos as-Shomadany Ra Qs-

Best wishes, al-Khoolish


“LAA ILAAHA ILLALLOH itu Kalimah Thoyyibah. Artinya, ucapan [Dzikir] yang baik, yang bagus.
Ucapan yang baik-bagus (sejatinya) tembus pada perilaku yang baik-bagus dan terus tembus pada i’tikad yang baik-bagus. Oleh karenanya, kita perlu mengadakan koreksi ke dalam: apakah i’tikad kita sudah benar-benar tidak terisi oleh sifat-sifat: takabbur, ujub, ria, dzholim, khianat, gampang tersinggung, suka cari-cari kesalahan orang lain, suka memfitnah dan sebangsanya. Atau kita semua masih suka terpancing?”

–Hadrotusyeikh Insan Kamil Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Salam, al-Khoolish



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