The voice has to be loud and the beats have to be hard when we utter ILLALLOH so that the dzikr can penetrate deep into our innermost heart. Because it is the innermost heart where Satan and the Devil will attempt to tempt us. […] It is also there that our lusts confer […] Lusts are inside the center of our body and Satan enters inside and it is there where they confer to lead people astray and make them leave the right path. When uttering ILLALOH, the voice has to be loud and the beats have to be strong, lathifatul jalalah has to be done until it has crushed and dissolved it, do not let them unite and join forces because they have to be broken up. Continue in this way (with your dzikr) to ensure that they do not enter. If you do not do it this way (your dzikr), it will lead to a situation where your mouth is saying the dzikr but our heart will wander aimlessly. Satan and lusts unite to defeat us
–Hadrotusyeikh Bahru bilaa Thorof Abah Aos Ra Qs–
Best wishes, al-Khoolish
Perlunya suara keras dan pukulan kuat ketika mengucap ILLALLOH ialah agar (dzikirnya) bisa menghujam ke hati sanubari… Sebab di hati sanubari itulah pusat tempat menggodanya setan iblis. Nafsu juga disitu berundingnya…Nafsu ada di tengah-tengah badan, setan masuk ke dalam, jadi di dalam itulah mereka berunding untuk menyesatkan manusia, membelokkan jalan manusia. Suara keras dan pukulan kuat ILLALLOH, lathifatul jalalah harus sampai hancur lebur, jangan biarkan mereka bersatu mengumpulkan tenaga, mereka harus pecah. Teruskan seperti itu (dzikirnya), agar mereka tidak bisa masuk. Kalau tidak (dzikirnya) begitu maka yang terjadi bibirnya mengucap dzikir tapi hatinya gentayangan. Setan dan nafsu bersatu mengalahkan kita”
–Hadrotusyeikh Bahru bilaa Thorof Abah Aos Ra Qs–
Salam, al-Khoolish