dzaky fatih
dzaky fatih
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There are no tools to uniform spiritual desire [the intention to do good] with physical deeds [to manifest them] apart from doa’ dzikr (jahr and khofi) that is done beautifully, harmoniously, and fulfilling the conditions as included in the manual of the Sheikh: having done the ritual ablution, the strength of the dzikr with the tongue has to be as loud as that of the dzikr in the heart. Do not allow the dzikr to be loud but the heart is slower and forgetful of Alloh. It has to be in harmony both outward and inward and mindful of Alloh (Al-Kholish, 2, 2017: 126).

–Hadrotusyeikh Ka’batul Abror Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Best wishes,al-Khoolish

Tiada alat untuk menselaraskan kehendak ruhani [niat melakukan kebaikan] dengan tindakan jasmani [terwujudkan] kecuali dengan dua Dzikir (jahr dan khofi) yang dilaksanakan secara apik, harmoni, dan memenuhi syarat-syaratnya, seperti telah dipandukan Tuan Syeikh: punya wudlu, kuat suara dzikir lisannya sekuat ketukan dzikir hatinya. Jangan sampai dzikir lisannya kencang tapi hatinya kendor, lupa kepada Alloh. Harus selaras luar dalamnya, sama-sama ingat kepada Alloh..

–Hadrotusyeikh Ka’batul Abror Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Salam, al-Kholish [3 April 2017, 13:25]

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