The Hearthbeat Dzikr

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dzaky fatih
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Dzikr with the tongue is accompanied by dzikr in the heart and aims to manage one’ self [ngentep seureuh]: so that what we say accords with what is in our heart. When you are reciting dzikr with others you may not start earlier or recite louder than them. You have to be compact and uniform so that it may become solemn (Al-Kholish, 1, 2017: 15).

–Hadrotusyeikh Mudhibul Baas Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Best wishes, al-Khoolish

Dzikir lisan diiringi dzikir hati itu bertujuan untuk menata diri [ngentep seureuh]: agar apa yang kita ucapkan selaras dengan isi hati. Kalau sedang berjamaah dzikir tidak boleh dulu-duluan, kenceng-kencengan, harus kompak dan seragam agar mendapat kekhusukan. Hasil dari kekhusukan, kita akan mendapatkan kebersihan, kelembutan, dan kebaikan.

–Hadrotusyeikh Waritsu Rosulillah Abah Aos Ra Qs–

Salam, al-Kholish


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